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152,092.433,11 ex. tax

  • High Absorption Desiccant
  • Space Saving
  • Fast Absorption Rate
  • Easy to use
  • Cost-effective
  • Environmentally friendly, no toxic materials
  • Non-flammable
Container Desiccant
CONTAINER DRYING DESICCANT 152,092.433,11 ex. tax

Ensure the safety of your cargo against moisture and potential container rejections with Praxas’ Container Drying Desiccant. Designed to absorb moisture effectively, this desiccant secures your products during transit, under any challenging environmental conditions.

Made from eco-friendly calcium chloride, this desiccant offers powerful absorption across temperatures from freezing to over 80°C. Its compact design is ideal for sea containers and allows for easy loading and unloading.

Advantages of the Container Drying Desiccant include:

  • Prevents moisture damage
  • Safe to use with foods
  • Powerful absorption capacity
  • Works in a range of temperatures
  • Less chance of a rejected container
  • Easy to use
  • Prevents container rain, which could lead to mould, corrosion, or other product damage

Advantages of using Calcium Chloride include:

  • High absorption capacity
  • Wide temperature range
  • Safe to use
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Inexpensive

Click here for the overview of our extensive range of desiccants.