Protect flowers during transport with TLX2 Cargo Covers

Protect Flowers During Transport with TLX2

Temperatures around the world vary greatly, even on a relatively small scale. For instance, while it is only 18 degrees during the day in Finland, it reaches 36 degrees in Spain. And where it is highly variable in Breda (the Netherlands), the sun shines brightly in Alanya (Turkey), just a few hours’ flight away. These data are crucial when exporting temperature-sensitive products, such as flowers. We’d like to explain this to you.

Flowers are delicate products that require special handling. Temperature is a crucial factor. If you store and transport flowers at the right temperature, they will stay beautiful longer. Therefore, flowers are transported in a conditioned manner by road. Flowers have a relatively short lifespan. When exporting from the Netherlands to, for example, America, shipping by sea is not an option. Due to the long travel time, the quality and shelf life of the flowers would no longer be optimal upon arrival. That’s why air transport is often chosen.

The flowers can be transported to the airport in a conditioned truck. However, they are not immediately loaded onto the plane. They wait on the tarmac until they are loaded. The weather in the Netherlands can be unpredictable. One moment it’s 18 degrees and rainy, the next moment it’s 36 degrees and sunny, with a perceived temperature of 40.

At high temperatures, the tarmac temperature at Schiphol can rise to 50 degrees. In the hold where the flowers are transported, it’s usually around 5 degrees. These are significant differences that flowers cannot tolerate well. When unloading, they again wait on the tarmac until they are placed in a conditioned truck. These are various links in the chain where the temperature can fluctuate greatly.

Moreover, rain, snow, and insects pose risks that can damage the flowers. In some countries, an insect can cause a significant delay, as they can be dangerous to the local flora and fauna. Therefore, it is important to transport products insect-free.

Praxas collaborates with TLX Cargo, a specialist in pallet covers for various applications. With TLX Cargo pallet covers, you can protect flowers from all these risks. These covers are made of waterproof material. The thermal cover is breathable, allowing air and water vapour to circulate, keeping the internal moisture level inside the cover balanced.

TLX Cargo Covers

Various covers are available. The TLX2 is a variant that offers protection against various weather conditions and temperature fluctuations. The cover can be used multiple times with proper use and maintenance.

Additionally, the cover can be quickly and easily installed and removed. Because the products are covered, they are less susceptible to theft.

Praxas has been working with various flower exporters for over 20 years and has gained extensive experience in the flower sector.

By measuring and analysing, Praxas has been able to identify the risks during transport and storage and find appropriate solutions that have proven effective.

We are happy to help our customers protect their products, so less is wasted. This way, we create a better world for people and animals and help prevent waste.

Would you like tailored advice? You are welcome to contact us or schedule time with our specialists. Schedule your online appointment here.